16th International Neuromodulation Society World Congress (INS 2024)

Vancouver, Canada, May 11-16, 2024





Although the previous INS congress in Barcelona set the bar very high, Vancouver managed to surpass it. This demonstrates the growth of this scientific society and the enthusiasm and vision of its leaders in a process of continuous improvement in the promotion of this modern and thriving branch of science. As a general summary of that Congress, we can confirm that Vancouver marked a new milestone in the history of INS world congresses for its scientific quality and especially for the atmosphere of camaraderie that is not usually seen in other scientific fields, with the ideal union of the academic and the social. It is for all these reasons that I invite you to schedule the next world congress from May 9 to 14 in Lisbon, Portugal, which already has its website (https://2026.ins-congress.com/) to subscribe to the newsletter and receive the latest news about the event. See you soon.


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How to Cite

Cremaschi F. 16th International Neuromodulation Society World Congress (INS 2024): Vancouver, Canada, May 11-16, 2024. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];18(1):51-3. Available from: https://neurotarget.com/index.php/nt/article/view/469



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