Disc Nucleolysis with Ozone in Chronic Low Back Pain Syndrome


  • Gabriel O. Calle Neurosurgeon. Buenos Aires, Argentina.




The present work is based on the application, use, benefits, indications, contraindications and results obtained in the treatment of DS. chronic lumbar pain, especially of disc origin, through the use of spinal ozone therapy techniques, emphasizing its intradiscal administration or disconucleolysis. The technical basis of the therapeutic procedure is based on the infiltration of a gaseous oxygen-ozone micelle, both at the level of the disc nucleus, as well as foraminal/periradicular and paravertebral muscle, which generates a series of changes of biochemical/immunological and neurological origin. firstly reflexes and secondly structural, with a decrease in inflammation and pain, with subsequent dehydration and reduction of the disc-radicular conflict and attenuation/elimination of pain. On the other hand, it is important to take into account the selection of appropriate cases for treatment, as well as an adequate technique to achieve the best results.


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How to Cite

O. Calle G. Disc Nucleolysis with Ozone in Chronic Low Back Pain Syndrome. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2006 May 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(1):11-4. Available from: https://neurotarget.com/index.php/nt/article/view/400