Computerized Deep Brain Recording System (NDRS) for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery


  • Juan Teijeiro International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN)
  • Raúl J. Macías International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN)
  • Lázaro M. Alvarez International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN)
  • Carlos Maragoto International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN)
  • Iván García International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN)



stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, deep brain recording, anatomophysiologic correlation, computer-guided surgery, signal processing


Introduction: A neurophysiologic guide such as deep brain recording is required in stereotactic and functional neurosurgery for higher safety and effectiveness.

Materials and Method: By applying the current digital and software engineering technology, successive versions of the NDRS software has been developed for signal registration, visualization, recording and processing with a personal computer and also graphic and automatic facilities has been incorporated for anatomophysiologic correlation analysis and final therapeutic action planning.

Results: From 1993 to 2009 the NDRS has been used in Cuba in ablative stereotactic and functional neurosurgery for movement disorders, and since 1996, also in Spain to guide implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes. In total so far this program has been used in over 1,000 surgeries for movement disorders, with an average of four electrophysiologic recording electrode tracks per surgery, less than 15 minutes per track and with a postoperative clinical effectiveness similar to that internationally reported by other groups.

Discussion: The graphic and automatic NDRS facilities for signal processing, the anatomophysiologic correlation analysis and final therapeutic action planning increase its accuracy, safety and effectiveness with less timeconsuming.

Conclusions: The NDRS does not only allows to substitute with a personal computer much of the equipment for deep brain recording, but rather its graphical and automatic tools also increase the accuracy, safety and effectiveness of the analyses and reduce the whole surgical time.


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How to Cite

Teijeiro Amador J, Macías RJ, Alvarez LM, Maragoto C, García I. Computerized Deep Brain Recording System (NDRS) for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2010 May 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];5(1):44-63. Available from:


