Cancer pain


  • Margarita Eugenia Araujo Navarrete Cancer Center, ABC Medical Center, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Miguel Ángel Genis-Rondero Hospital de Traumatología “Dr. Victorio de La Fuente Narváez”, en Magdalena de las Salinas, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), Distrito Federal, México.



cancer pain, diagnostic; analgesic, treatment, evidence, recommendation


Analgesic treatment is an integral part of the care of patients with oncological disease. Scientific knowledge establishes guidelines for the efficient management of pain, with the purpose of improving the quality of life and prevent the suffering of the patient and their families. Evaluation of the characteristics of the disease, response to treatment and possible risks, allows to propose specific schemes, according to the circumstances of each patient, which have proven their benefit. Dissemination of these results can meet the demand of one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Research and education in all aspects of cancer, are still essential. The importance of recognizing the need for control of pain as a human right, which is still being ignored, compels us to insist on the possibility of override the fear in the prescription of drugs for each patient.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Eugenia Araujo Navarrete, Cancer Center, ABC Medical Center, Mexico City, Mexico.

Medical specialist in Anesthesiology, Algology and Palliative Care. Former President of the Mexican Association for the Study and Treatment of Pain (AMETD).
Member of the hospital bioethics committee of the ABC Medical Center (The American British Cowdray Medical Center IAP), Mexico City.
Coordinator of the clinic specialized in the care of the terminally ill, at the Cancer Center, ABC Medical Center, Mexico City, Mexico.

Miguel Ángel Genis-Rondero, Hospital de Traumatología “Dr. Victorio de La Fuente Narváez”, en Magdalena de las Salinas, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), Distrito Federal, México.

Medical specialist in Anesthesiology. High Specialty Medical Unit, of the Traumatology Hospital “Dr. Victorio de La Fuente Narváez”, in Magdalena de las Salinas, of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Federal District, Mexico. Doctor specializing in Algology. Head of the Pain and Palliative Care Clinic, at the General Hospital of Tlalnepantla “Valle Ceylan”, of the Health Institute of the State of Mexico, Mexico. Former President of the Mexican Association for the Study and Treatment of Pain (AMETD), former Treasurer of the Latin American Federation of Associations for the Study of Pain (FEDELAT).


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How to Cite

Araujo Navarrete ME, Genis-Rondero M Ángel. Cancer pain. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(3):65-73. Available from:


