

  • María Loreto Cid-Jeffs Unidad de Dolor, del Hospital Militar de Santiago “Gral. Luis Felipe Brieba Arán”, Chile. Coordinadora del Grupo de Cefalea, de la Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía de Chile (SONEPSYN). Miembro del directorio de la Asociación Chilena para el Estudio del Dolor (ACHED).




headache, migraine, tension headaches, diagnostic, treatment, evidence, recomendation


Cephalalgia is a symptom and sometimes a highly preva- lent disease in medicine, often getting the wrong diagnosis or inadequate treatment. To receive a particular headache diagnosis patient must, in many cases, experience a minimum number of attacks. For this reason it is important a good initial assessment of patients to rule out a secondary headache and refer to a specialist timely. However primary headaches are the most common cause of craniofacial pain, especially migraine and tension headaches, which currently have both pharmacological and non-pharmacological evidence for good management.


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How to Cite

Loreto Cid-Jeffs M. Headache. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(3):14-21. Available from: https://neurotarget.com/index.php/nt/article/view/224


