Stereotactic approach for tuberculoma that simulates brain stem tumor. Case report and literature review.


  • Henin Mora Benites Especialista en Neurocirugía. Jefe de Servicio de Neurocirugía. Hospital: “Teodoro Maldonado Carbó”. Profesor de la Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil.
  • Arlines Alina Piña Tornés Especialista en Neurocirugía. Docente. Universidad Espíritu Santo-Ecuador.
  • Vanessa Campozano Burgos Residente de Neurología. Unidad de Cuidados Neurológicos. Hospital: “Teodoro Maldonado Carbó”.



Brain stem, tuberculoma, stereotactic surgery, histopathological diagnosis


Introduction: We present a case of tuberculoma approached by stereotactic surgery mimicking space occupying lesions of brainstem; the published literature was reviewed and the importance of this procedure in the diagnosis and treatment of such lesions was enphatized.
Clinical case: A 49 year old male patient without personal patological history with symptoms of occipital throb and intense headache, accompanied by deficits symptoms of low cranial base pairs, paresthesia and left motor brachiocrural deficit. The imaging findings showed a commitment of the brain stem by annular lesion, enhancement with the contrast´s administration. It was surgically approached by stereotactic surgery with total excision of the lesion without complications and positive post-operative recovery. The histopathological diagnosis evidenced a tuberculoma.
Conclusions: Even though the brainstem is a less common location of Neurological manifestations of tuberculosis on the central nervous system and in the absence of a tuberculosis history, even though no history of bacilar infection is found, a tuberculoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of the space occupying lesions in this region, due to its ability to mimic these lesions and its impact on and its much higher frequency on developing countries. Although the imaging differences are not defined between this type of lesions and the malignant neoplasm, the stereotactic surgery should be considered as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic alternative, for its advantages are less invasive and equally effective reaching an accurate diagnosis and an early treatment based on a histopathological criteria and of clinical suspicion.


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How to Cite

Mora Benites H, Piña Tornés AA, Campozano Burgos V. Stereotactic approach for tuberculoma that simulates brain stem tumor. Case report and literature review. NeuroTarget [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];10(1):14-9. Available from:



Case Report