Practical Guide for Interventional Treatment of Lumbosacral Radicular Syndrome.
Article originally published in El Dolor Journal 2016; 65:30-6
Lumbosacral radicular pain, Epidural steroids injections, Pulsed radiofrequencyAbstract
Introduction: Lumbosacral Radicular Syndrome (LRS) is a frequent neuropathic pain due to disc herniation, disc protrusions or degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine. Interventional Pain Management techniques for its treatment are indicated when conservative management fails to provide satisfactory pain relief. Epidural Steroid Injections (ESI) and Pulsed Radiofrequency of the Dorsal Root Ganglion (PRDRG) are the procedures most frequently performed in our Service for LRS treatment. Since guidelines for its use are lacked in our Country, international recommendations are usually followed. Objectives: The aim of this article is to perform a literature search to give evidence support to National guidelines related to available Interventional Pain Management techniques for LRS treatment, in order to balance risks and benefits of each technique in the decision making process.
Discussion: Advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches for ESI are discussed and the pharmacologic aspects of the available agents for its use are summarized. Finally, an update of technical aspects of PRDRG for LRS refractory to ESI is performed.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Pablo Castromán, Marta Surbano, Federico Cristiani, Santiago Ayala, Ana Shwartzmann

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